About the Group
Still Water Insight is a community group, formed with the intention of providing a respectful space where we can practice Insight Meditation together. Insight (Vipassana) in the Buddhist tradition means to see clearly into the nature of existence. The group aims to provide a safe container to explore our inner experience and learn about the patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that continue to create pain and suffering in our lives. Additionally, it seeks to foster insights and facilitate a reconnection with our true nature. The group offers an ongoing, supportive community of meditators and each session consists of silent sitting, dharma talks and the opportunity for sharing circle and facilitated discussions. We offer a two-hour, weekly meeting of non-judgemental, supportive, curious people who have come together from different backgrounds and experiences. We are connected by having compassion for people and our planet, and we often find that we have much more in common than we think. |